Ebb & Flow Yoga

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The Omen Days (Lae na Céalmhaine)

Photo by Zagranyasha on Unsplash

Omen Days or Lae na Céalmhaine as Gaeilge
This in-the-between time idir dhá Nollaig (‘between two Christmases’) up to the 6th of January was once know as the Omen Days, where according to Celtic tradition, each of the 12 days from St. Stephen's Day to Nollaig na mBan, women’s or little Christmas (6th January) represent a month of the year, today is the fourth day - standing for April. 

DAY 1: December 26th - January
DAY 2: December 27th - February
DAY 3: December 28th - March
DAY 4: December 29th - April
DAY 5: December 30th - May
DAY 6: December 31st - June
DAY 7: January 1st - July
DAY 8: January 2nd - August
DAY 9: January 3rd - September
DAY 10: January 4th - October
DAY 11: January 5th - November
DAY 12: January 6th - December

The Omens (signs, symbols, words, songs, phrases, cards, whatever comes up!) gathered and experienced on each of the omen days indicate the nature of each month in the coming year.

Omen Days are the Celtic version of the Germanic Rauhnächte, where, during this twelve-day period (those the start and end dates change according to the country in which the practice is celebrated), those enjoying this tradition watch for omens of the coming year. For the Celts, these signs came to them from nature (known as augury) – a bird’s song, the sighting of a rabbit or a fox, unusual animal behaviour or cloud formations, etc. The Omen or message received that day relates to its corresponding month.  Also known as ‘Intercalary days’, these are the days left over from reckoning up the solar year, they are special because they are considered to be ‘the days out of time.’ The final day, January 6th is the Omen or message for the overall year. 

The “Rauhnächte” and Omen Days, were traditionally were a time for contemplation, celebration, intention setting, clearing and preparing for the new year.

Personal Practice

You could try setting an intention for each of the coming days (eg) Today (29th December as I write this) is twinned with April. Write it down, notice what's happening around you with that intention held in your mind and see what comes to you. Tomorrow - write one for May etc. Be open and receptive to receive your omen to help you divine the year ahead.

In the past, it was said that only nature inspired omens could be trusted, but perhaps you might also like to be open to signs from oracle cards, crystals, music, people, books, dreams, films, conversations... any source can deliver to you your omen if you want it to be so, just trust that what you need at that time will reach you.

Liminal Space

Mmmmmm that phrase - 'the days out of time' - delicious! Right now I'm not bound by a schedule or reminders or structure. Enjoy this space, in the between, because when the New Year dawns, the school run and work deadlines will absorb your time and attention soon enough. I'm avoiding making too many plans at the minute – leaving breathing space for spontaneity, so I can what feels right instead. I'm trying to spend less time online; to take pleasure in pottering, choosing nourishing food, gentle exercise like yoga or strolling outdoors, reading or day dreaming about my year ahead.

Omen Days Rituals

Here are some suggestions from Roots & Wings Blog in case you’d like to try one -

  • A cleansing detox

  • Grounding exercises

  • Connect with nature

  • Decluttering a room

  • Meditation

  • Smudging rooms with herbs such as juniper, mint, sage, lavender, spruce, mistletoe, angelica or mugwort

  • Clearing the energy in rooms with singing bowls, chimes or crystals

  • Mindful eating

  • Meaningful rituals such as a rite of passage to consciously enter the new year

  • Choosing an area we are not happy/content with and brainstorming ways to make positive changes with a vision board

  • Mindfully bringing attention to unresolved situations

  • Cold water practices such as a cold shower, barefoot walking in wet grass, stream, sea, wild water swimming

  • Drinking plenty of water to support flushing out toxins

  • Simple daily brush massage to support clearing our lymphatic system

  • Taking time to become still

  • Screen/social media detox

Sending you all lots of love and kindness for this transformative time and a wonderful, healthy and happy new year!

Wishing you a restful, insightful Omen Day time.

Le grá,

Maeve x